Saturday, August 17, 2013

Dry Hair Treatments and Tricks

Weather conditions can damage your hair. During winter days your hair is exposed to cold wind, snowflakes, and during summer days your hair is exposed to heat and sun, which can damage, dry out and destroy your hair. Dry heat at your home can also damage your hair. Insufficient humidity of air affects your hair structure just like coldness, and that is why you must offer your hair maximal protection. In order to get new ideas, we offer you damaged hair treatment and tricks which will protect your hair from damaging and make your hair look beautiful in a short period of time.
Hot Towel Trick
If you have a lifeless hair, try hair treatment. You will need your regular hair conditioner or some mask. Apply the mask on your hair. Use a towel which is big enough to be wrapped around your head, soak it into water and put it into microwave for 30 seconds. Squeeze the towel in order to remove the excess of the water and wrap the towel around your head. Wait until it is cool and then wash your hair using your regular shampoo.
Coconut oil
Coconut oil can help if you have problems with dry hair with split ends. Apply oil on wet hair, especially on split ends and wait for 15 minutes. After washing your hair, you shouldn’t apply hair conditioner. This tropical oil will also remove dandruff. Apply this oil on your scalp over night and wash your hair in the morning.
If you have problem with electricity of your hair after you used hair dryer you should dry your hair from roots to the ends and once when it is dry, ventilate your hair with cold air because that process will close follicles and protect your hair from drying out.
Eggs and olive oil
This advice will probably remind you of your grandmother’s hair tricks who used to solve hair problems using groceries from her kitchen. Mix one egg and tablespoon of olive oil and apply on your hair. Wash your hair after 20-30 minutes with your regular shampoo. 

Healthy lifestyle
In order to get a healthy and beautiful hair, you must eat groceries which contain vitamin A, B,C, zinc and iron. It is also advisable to drink enough water. Exercising can also have influence on your hair quality. You wonder how? Well, while you exercise you boost your circulation and good circulation boosts hair growth. These are some simple tricks which will help you to have the hair you’ve always wanted.


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