Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Hair Care Treatments

One of the first things men notice when it comes to women is hair. Women's hair is the symbol of sensuality and femininity and that is why women worry about their hair and spend a lot of time taking care about their hair in order to make it more beautiful and healthier. Beside masks, visiting your hairdresser regularly, and other hair rituals there are also many other tricks to keep your hair healthy and shinny. These tricks are simple and cheap but they can do a lot for your hair. Here are some hair care treatments which can help you.

  • Try natural!Combing and other hair treatments can damage your hair. Try to use tools with natural textures which will make your hair shinier and at the same time won’t damage it. These natural hair tools will help you to arrange natural oils on your scalp. You wonder why natural oils are important? Your scalp produces these oils in order to protect your hair from damage. If your scalp doesn’t produce enough natural oils, your hair will be dry and lifeless. 
  • Avoid alcohol Your hair won’t be shinny if you drink alcohol or use hair care products which contain alcohol. Avoid alcohol and these products if you want to have a healthy hair. 
  • Wash it in a proper way A lot of women wash their hair very often. Wash your hair 2-3 times a week and that it is enough for it to be clean. If you feel that you must your hair more often, then apply conditioner first and wash, and then apply small amount of shampoo. 
  • Wash your hair with cold water Cold water closes follicles and makes your hair shinny. It also boosts circulation and your hair will grow faster. It is also advisable to dry your hair with cold air, because it has the same effect as cold water.
  •  Eat a lot of vitamins, minerals and proteins Nutrients are necessary if you want to have a nice hair and that is why you should eat groceries which contain vitamins, minerals and proteins. Food like beans, green leafy vegetables, red meat and many others contain substances for healthy hair. 
 For beautiful hair, you should choose natural products, masks and conditioners which will feed your hair. Avoid using aggressive products which can damage your hair. Many hair products on the market contain
harmful substances which cause some other, more serious health problem including cancer. Find the list of the harmful ingredients and make sure that these do not come into contact with your hair and skin.


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