Monday, December 19, 2011

Bald Hair Treatment

Hair is a symbol of beauty, sometimes referred to as your "crowning glory." Some movie stars are even well known for having great hair. Loss of hair can be devastating. Baldness occurs in both men and women. For men, baldness usually begins with thinning hair around the hairline (the receding hairline), or it can occur as a bald patch on the crown of the head. Women do not generally get bald patches. For women, hair loss usually means thinning hair.

Surgical Hair Replacement

Surgical hair replacement is one of the most popular treatments for hair loss. Hair replacement is a very low risk procedure where a surgeon takes hair grafts from an area usually on the back of the head and relocates them on the areas of hair loss. Duringone session you will usually have between 60 to 100 hair plugs relocated. Each hair plug is about the size of a pencil eraser. The patient is given a local anesthetic and a mild sedative during the procedure and may or may not be awake.


Hair is a living part of our bodies. To keep hair healthy and to help prevent further hair loss, you should eat a well-balanced diet. Many vitamins and minerals promote healthy hair and prevent baldness. Your diet should be rich in vitamin A, the B vitamins, vitamin C and vitamin E. Most of these vitamins can be depleted in the body if you consume too much coffee and caffeine, so limit your intake. Try eating a diet that contains foods such as liver, sweet potatoes, carrots, fish, whole grains and milk.

Shampoos and Medications

Several over-the-counter treatments promise renewed growth and prevention of further loss of hair. Proscar and Propecia are both prescribed medications that contain Finasteride, which stops hair loss, primarily in men. Minoxidil is a medication that is found in many over-the-counter shampoos that can be found under the name Rogaine. Rogaine has been shown to stop hair loss and promote new hair growth in both men and women. These treatments work with some people, but there are known side effects such as excessive hair growth in unusual places.

Temporary Hair Loss

Some medical conditions, such as diabetes and hypothyroidism, can cause hair loss. Some medications, such as oral contraceptives, and some medical treatments, like chemotherapy, can actually cause hair loss. When the condition is treated or chemotherapy has stopped, hair growth will usually resume within six months. Treatment for hair loss is usually not needed in these instances.


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