Sunday, August 4, 2013

Healthy Foods for Hair

Healthy and shinny hair is what you want, but it is not always that simple to get it. You use many expensive products and you do not see the results you expected... Did you know that healthy foods also have influence on your hair? Nutritionists suggest that the food which you eat plays a significant role when it comes to health
of you and your hair too. Your hair grows around 1 centimeter per month, and in order to be able to grow your hair needs food, a healthy food. If you eat healthy foods, you will develop healthy cells inside of your body and outside of your body. Balanced diet with a lot of proteins, vitamins and fiber has a positive effect on your hair growth and quality. Now, here is the list of healthy foods for hair suggested by experts.

Red meat
Red meat contains a great amount of iron, which is necessary for your body and hair health. People who face with iron deficiency usually have problem with hair loss and baldness. An iron is a transmitter of oxygen. Iron deficiency can influence on your hair and scalp quality. Be careful when you prepare meat, try to prepare it with less fats, because fats can cause other health problems.

Fish, eggs and beans
Your hair is composed of proteins, so if you want to have a healthy hair you need food which contains a great amount of proteins. When you mention proteins, people usually think about meat but a steak can’t do a lot for your hair, since the food which contains a lot of fats boosts the production of testosterone, which leads to hair loss. Fish, eggs and beans contain a lot of proteins. They should be on your menu at least once a week if you want to be healthy and have a healthy hair.

People, who suffer from hair loss, usually have a problem with zinc deficiency. Zinc is important for many body functions, including the production of new cells and hormone balance and that is all related to hair growth and health.

Green leafy vegetables
Eat a lot of spinach and broccoli. These vegetables contain a lot of vitamin A and C, which are important for sebum production. Sebum is a natural oil of your scalp, which is a natural conditioner of your hair.

Sweet potato and carrot
These two contain beta carotene, which your body converts to vitamin A. Vitamin A keeps your hair wet and boosts the production of natural oils, which makes your hair shinny and healthy.

Healthy and shinny hair is the key if you want to look beautiful. Minor problems can be solved by productions which you can find on the market, but these problems usually come as the result of unhealthy diet. Vitamins and minerals deficiency can dry and damage your hair. Your health depends on the food which you eat. The best way to help your hair is to eat healthy foods for hair, because you know you’re what you eat and your hair is what you eat.


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